In Service to ALIVENESS
You can become anyone you choose to be.
It begins with a decision.
Dive in
What I believe in
We are continuously being initiated by life -
How we choose to integrate these initiatory experiences determines how we choose to live.

Who am I?

I am a traveller, life long student of the expanse of human psychology, the depths of the soma and the realms of the spiritual.

I has devoted her life to the awakening of Primal Power ™ within all humans by creating Initiatory Experiences and resources to support people to fall in love with themselves, to fall in love with the world, to tap into their sixth sense and discover how to create the life they desire to live.

Learn More
How you can

Work with Me

Become a Private Client
This is by far the most intimate and powerful way to connect and have me in your corner.

This is for you if are ready to truly up-level in you business, way you feel about yourself (empowered and confident in your body), union, and the full clarity that you're on the path you're meant to be on at this time in your life.
Initiatrix Matrix
Join a room of women that are in their power, discovering their ceilings and building new foundations that allow them to expand far beyond what they had though was possible.

Together, we are clearing the internal and collective heaviness while laying the pathway for lit up and vibrant lives full of meaning, wealth, and healthy relationships.
Experiential Initiations
There is a library of experiences of varying topics and supports.

The work ranges from Womb work, to Sexuality and Union.
and spans to
Spirituality, Entrepreneurship and Developing a world we desire to live in.
To have me speak for your group, podcast, event or on stage, contact for next steps.
The Rites
A 9-month life changing experience that has the power to eradicate depression and addiction from your life forever.
Have a project that you've been yearning to bring to fruition?! 

Let's bring it in together! 
Expand your vision.
Expand your life.
Today is the day to build the life of your dreams.  
Be in the relationship you've always desired.  
Feel the best in your body you've ever experienced.  
Live the life of full aliveness and possibility.
Start Now