The base inclination of all humans is to come into oneness. To come to oneness with source… to find oneness in union with another. This is a more human expression and experience of oneness.
However… when we just jump into or seek out this oneness without first developing a sense of self… of independence.. of really exploring the edges of separate experience of aliveness… then we are creating an experience that can be described as co-dependency.
The root of co-dependency is simple.. We have yet to discover who we truly are and so we attempt to apply a sense of sense or mask the unknowing by absorbing into another’s expression or identity. And they, us.
It is in allowing and embarking on the journey to uncover our needs, desires, character and attributes while discovering along the way the uniqueness that gives us out separate expression that can compliment the collective as a whole… And developing our own strategies for living that suits our individual uniœue expression of humanness.
For that is a part of the beauty of being a life. We add to the whole ness as we are never really a part from it.
It’s the illusion of separateness that brings grief and fear.
It’s the undeveloped uniqueness that leads to the experience of co-dependency.
It’s the desire for oneness that encourages us into connection and relationship.
We are meeting another expression of Us. We can recognize the fullness of the expression in another life and see reflections as facets of their experience that resonate as our own.
We can do the discovering within relationship. We can unwind the root of co-dependency together… it need not be a solo journey — it is simply an intention to discover the shape of ones self and how we might be able to compliment, adjoin, unify and integrate with another. Rather than leave one’s self behind and merge or blend with another source outside of self or Source itself.
Boundaries too fit into this (all does.. but we can place and pick apart these key words to understand how they fit in as a whole tapestry rather than individual pieces that we never fully grasp how come together..).
Being that boundaries are agreements we are placing our understanding of unique expression of human life into the dynamic of connection and relationship. We are honoring that which we have discovered that allows us to be a contributing human to the collective experience and thus maintaining sovereignty.
And in the understanding of integrating rather than blending… we contribute by becoming one and increasing the shape of the experience of humanness and thus the shape connection takes through all relationship..
But when not honouring our own unique shape and expression, we are not only limiting our own experience and expression of how life can unfold in such miraculous ways, we are also feeling the imbalance of the attempt to merge with another’s sense of identity rather than developing one’s own.
So, why do some develop a strong sense of sovereign self while other’s seem to have not?
It comes to the themes through which one is meant to develop in this life. The theme of the collective and the era through which said human is alive/a life.
More tangibly… the roots of these uncertainties can be found in the birthing process, the raising process from child to adult. The relationships and freedoms and capacities to explore, develop, test and uncover.
It is in the connections that we are truly guided deeper into our individualize and unified expressions of a human.
What is the process to unwind the patterns known to many as the experience of co-dependency?
Seek the seeds of the patterns, beliefs, redirects on certain growth opportunities (those that encouraged the exploration and development of self in favor of a more compact expression or underdeveloped sense of safety).
Then, through a process of gardening, weed out what’s no longer needed in suport of our desired lived experience, root through the beliefs and patterns in place to discover what serves and what does not. Then unearth the seeds that we’re to release into the transmutational nature of source in order to replant the seeds that will sprout and form those supportive patterns and beliefs for a fully form expression of self and deeply trusting and willing desire to be integrated into oneness.
For it is in from this state that true Union can develop and become a lived experience.
It is the experience of true Union that is what our next level of collective conscious asks us to expand into that will unlock a level of power we’re only beginning to gain the whisps of flavor of.
Union is the development of a consciousness that allows us to continue the journey into our God self and thus, continue to expand through growth and experience. It is Union that is the tangible and accessibly human experience and expression of Oneness.
Which again. Is the base root desire of all humans.