Hot Stuff Recipe book

We develop rituals in so many ways. Consciously and unconsciously we gravitate toward practices that support us, or challenge us. The intention creation of practices can help us to develop aligned ways of moving through this world.

What we put into our bodies and when, can have a strong impact on how our energy levels and inspirations flow throughout the days and weeks.

As time continues and you tune into what your particular cycles are asking of you, you'll refine what rituals you indulge in and when.

For me, I've always really appreciated starting my days off with a warm drink while I wake into a new day.

What I prepare though, is informed by where I am in my cycle... When I'm about to bleed and menstruate, my body does not like caffeine. It intensifies my cramps and throws my nervous system off as my system is naturally slowing yet caffeine at this time is like a shot of fuel on a simmering fire. Flares up and dies off more quickly than it would have, burning up the last of the reserves that it had had available.

Instead, I like to nourish during this time. Taking in things that are rich in nutrition and deep in intention. Cacao for example, is one of my go to's.

However, come ovulation, and I'm already on fire and ready to bring all the gifts I'd harvested out and into the world, I love a strong cup of coffee. There's nothing like the scent of a fresh cup of steaming coffee to greet you in the morning.

Each plant medicine has a time and a place. And all the we ingest, which intention, is and can be a plant medicine. Whether it's coffee or cacao or something else. What is the history of this plant? What does it have the capacity of teaching us? Let part of the ritual to be to receive guidance as we deepen in presence and alignment with our natural and powerful flows of energy and cycles.

Expand your vision.
Expand your life.
Today is the day to build the life of your dreams.  
Be in the relationship you've always desired.  
Feel the best in your body you've ever experienced.  
Live the life of full aliveness and possibility.
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